8 events found.
Water Loss Conference and Exhibition 2020
Shenzhen, China www.waterloss2020.org
Closing the Loop International Water Association Nutrient Recovery and Removal Conference
Espoo, Finland www.iwa-nrr.org
Singapore International Water Week
Singapore, Singapore www.siww.com.sg
7th International Water Association Water Resource Recovery Modelling Seminar
Arosa, Switzerland www.wrrmod2020.org
35th Annual WateReuse Symposium
Denver, Colorado https://watereuse.org/news-events/conferences-2/
The International Water Association World Water Congress & Exhibition
Copenhagen, Denmark www.worldwatercongress.org
First Trans-Asia Conference on Smart Technologies for Water and Waste Water Treatment
Vellore, India https://iwa-network.org/events/first-trans-asia-conference-on-smart-technologies-for-water-and-waste-water-treatment/