photo of a social engagement group discussion about water reuse in Canada

Social Engagement

What We Do

To get a fundamental understanding of what is needed from a societal perspective for water reuse and resource recovery to be implemented, we engage with private citizens, special interest groups, indigenous organizations and scholars, industry, municipal governments, government regulators, and water service providers. For each stakeholder group we want to know:

  • What knowledge exists regarding water reuse and resource recovery and what further information is needed?
  • What kinds of potential reclaimed water (i.e. stormwater, rainwater, greywater, municipal) would be of interest and for what uses (e.g. irrigation, toilet flushing, washing, etc.)?
  • What current water reuse and resource recovery projects are known?
  • What are the barriers and facilitators to successfully implementing water reuse and resource recovery projects?

We are currently conducting various types of social engagement projects, including interviews, focus groups, online engagements, and public workshops to create a broad understanding of the reality of water reuse and resource recovery.

Focus Groups

Focus groups with the general public were held to explore the meanings, interpretations, and perspectives held within the general public in regards to water and resource recovery. The objective is to have an informed understanding of conversations that Edmontonians are having about certain environmental themes.

Interviews with Regulators

Interviews with government regulators in Alberta are being conducted in order to understand the decision making processes regarding water and resource recovery. This study aims to identify key concerns and provide a baseline assessment of water practitioners’ perceptions and understandings of risks regarding water and resource recovery.

Interviews with Experienced Water Reuse Professionals

To understand the facilitators and challenges associated with achieving a successful water reuse project, we are speaking with producers who have experience with implementing water and resource recovery projects across Canada.

Online Survey with Public

To explore consumer perspectives on water and resource recovery, including the acceptability of water reuse and it’s benefits and risks, we conducted an online survey with users across Canada. The online survey is now closed and a summary report will be posted soon.

Dialogue-Based Workshops

We conduct workshops through organized academic and non-profit conferences in Canada to discuss with conference delegates their perspectives about water and resource recovery. These workshops consist of education on water reuse and a World Cafe to engage participants in well-informed, meaningful dialogue. We are also planning workshops with municipalities to engage public citizens.

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